Why did you choose to work at HPFC?

I spent fourteen years competing against HPFC and knew it was a good lending institution. I was encouraged to apply for an open position from a former HPFC employee; best advice I’ve ever received! As an added perk, I’m finally working back in my hometown without having to commute to work.

What is the best part about working at HPFC?

HPFC clearly understands the mission; to serve agricultural producers. At HPFC, I can focus on helping agricultural producers achieve their financial goals all while getting to enjoy agriculture. The staff works incredibly well as a team to deliver great customer service to our members so they can stay focused in the field.

What is your favorite part of your job?

I always thought that I would end up farming but life does not always go to plan. Fortunately for me, I stay connected to AG through the members I work with. I especially enjoy the farm visits where I see firsthand the differences between operations. The favorite parts are the combine/tractor rides and the country cruises through the pastures viewing the cattle.

What is your business philosophy?

I realize that no two operations are alike. However, the Financial Statement is a tool that stays consistent across the board. Helping agricultural producers understand their Financial Statement to keep them out of risky leveraged positions is one of my philosophies. Easy money sounds great until you find yourself unable produce your way out of it. Outside of sound financial understanding, I focus on customer service by working with the producer’s schedule, staying in communication, and ensuring confidentiality.

What do you like to do when you’re not at work?

The home life is usually focused on my three boys that are all in grade school. They love sports and stay very active throughout the year. My wife and I are always in the car taking them to and from practice or traveling to games. I really do enjoy spending time with the boys outside, working on throwing a baseball or maintaining my homecourt dominance over them playing basketball in the driveway.